27 research outputs found

    Laboratory assessment of crop tolerance to selective flaming

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    We developed a laboratory method which enables researchers of thermal weed control to assess crop tolerance to selective flaming. We have tested cabbage and red beet tolerance to flaming with this method

    Neonatal somatosensory responses and neurocognition in extremely low gestational age children

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    Despite advancements in neonatal intensive care and increased survival of infants born extremely preterm, many of them still develop with motor, sensory, cognitive, and behavioral impairments. Predicting adverse neurodevelopmental outcome as early as possible is a challenge in neonatology. Structural neuroimaging methods partly fail to detect milder brain abnormalities that may interfere with later developmental outcome, and neurological assessment is more unreliable in the neonatal period than in childhood. Thus, additional methods are needed for earlier and more accurate recognition of extremely preterm infants with adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. The first purpose of this study was to assess the value of measuring higher cortical function by neurophysiological methods in predicting outcome of infants born extremely preterm. Second, we aimed to examine possible difficulties in behavioral somatosensory processing and in mother-child interaction and their associations with developmental outcome. The lack of somatosensory evoked magnetic fields from the secondary somatosensory cortex in magnetoencephalography at term equivalent age, reflecting abnormal higher cortical functioning during somatosensory processing, was associated with worse neuromotor outcome of extremely preterm infants at two years of corrected age, not foreseen with structural neuroimaging methods. Further, we showed that responses from the secondary somatosensory cortex can also be detected by measuring somatosensory evoked potentials during electroencephalography. The quality of mother-infant interaction in mother- extremely preterm child dyads did not differ from that in mother-term child dyads. However, among children born extremely preterm worse child adjustment and lower quality of maternal and dyadic behavior were associated with lower neurocognitive outcomes. Half of the children born extremely preterm presented atypical behavioral sensory processing at two years of corrected age. Sensation seeking was common in extremely preterm children with neonatal neuroanatomical lesions. In conclusion, the functional neurophysiological methods magnetoencephalography and measurement of somatosensory evoked potentials during electroencephalography hold promise as valuable additional tools in predicting outcome of children born extremely preterm. The quality of mother-infant interaction may play a significant role in optimizing cognitive outcome after extremely preterm birth. Atypical behavioral sensory processing in children born extremely preterm is common, but the pathogenesis and developmental significance of this phenomenon call for more research in the future.Suomessa syntyy vuosittain noin 60 000 lasta, joista noin 200 (0.3 %) syntyy erittäin ennenaikaisena ennen 28 raskausviikon täyttymistä. Viimeisen kahden vuosikymmenen aikana ennakoivan riskiraskauksien hoidon sekä vastasyntyneiden tehohoidon kehittyminen ovat parantaneet merkittävästi erittäin ennenaikaisten keskosten eloonjäämistä, mutta eriasteiset keskushermoston kehityksen ongelmat ovat pikkukeskosilla edelleen yleisiä. Keskosten ongelmien mahdollisimman varhainen tunnistaminen olisi tärkeää niin lasten, heidän vanhempiensa kuin yhteiskunnankin kannalta. Kehitysongelmien ennakoinnilla voitaisiin parantaa varhaista kuntoutusta ja kohdentaa resursseja tarkempaa seurantaa ja tukitoimia vaativiin lapsiin. Keskosten aivojen rakenteellisista kuvantamistutkimuksista rutiinikäytössä ovat aivojen ultraäänitutkimukset sekä lasketussa ajassa tehtävä aivojen magneettikuvaus. Aivojen toiminnalliset tutkimukset ovat sen sijaan jääneet toistaiseksi sivurooliin keskosten aivotutkimuksessa. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin erittäin ennenaikaisena syntyneiden keskosten aivokuoren tuntovasteita lasketun ajan aivojen toiminnallisilla tutkimusmenetelmillä (magnetoenkefalografia eli aivomagneettikäyrä ja elektroenkefalografia eli aivosähkökäyrä) ja näiden käyttämistä lasten kehityksen ennustamisessa. Aivoista mitattava tuntovaste koostuu kahdesta vaiheesta, joista ensimmäinen liittyy primaarisen ja toinen sekundaarisen tuntoaivokuoren aktivoitumiseen. Niiden keskosten, joilla lasketussa ajassa todettiin puuttuva sekundaarisen tuntoaivokuoren vaste merkkinä poikkeavasta tuntoaistimuksen aivokuorella tapahtuvasta prosessoinnista, motorinen kehitys kahden vuoden iässä oli viivästynyttä verrattuna täysiaikaisena syntyneisiin lapsiin ja niihin keskosiin, joiden sekundaarisen tuntoaivokuoren vaste lasketussa ajassa oli normaali. Tutkittujen keskosten lasketun ajan magneettitutkimuksissa todetut poikkeavuudet olivat pääosin lieviä eivätkä olleet yhteydessä myöhempään poikkeavaan kehitykseen. Lisäksi osoitettiin, että sekundaarisen tuntoaivokuoren vasteet ovat todettavissa myös kliiniseen käyttöön magnetoenkefalografiaa paremmin soveltuvassa elektroenkefalografiatutkimuksessa. Suomessa magnetoenkefalografialaite on käytössä Helsingissä, Espoossa ja lähitulevaisuudessa myös Jyväskylässä. Elektroenkefalografia on sen sijaan laajassa käytössä oleva suhteellisen halpa ja helposti myös vastasyntyneiden teho-osastoilla toteutettava tutkimusmenetelmä. Tutkimuksen perusteella sekundaarisen tuntoaivokuoren vasteiden mittaaminen on lupaava lisämenetelmä erittäin ennenaikaisten keskosten motorisen kehityksen poikkeavuuksien ennustamisessa

    Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum erythropoietin in term and prolonged pregnancies

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    Objective: Erythropoietin - a hormone regulating erythropoiesis - is a biomarker of chronic fetal hypoxia. High erythropoietin levels in fetal plasma and amniotic fluid are associated with increased risk of adverse neonatal outcome. Since the risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality is increased in pregnancies beyond 41 gestational weeks, we evaluated erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum in apparently low-risk term (>= 37 gestational weeks) and prolonged pregnancies (>= 41 gestational weeks) with labor induction. Study design: This prospective cohort study comprised 93 singleton pregnancies at 37(+0)-42(+1) gestational weeks, of which prolonged pregnancies numbered 63 (67.7%). Amniotic fluid samples were collected at time of labor induction by amniotomy. Umbilical cord blood samples for evaluation of pH, base excess, and umbilical cord serum erythropoietin were collected at birth. Erythropoietin levels were measured by immunochemiluminometric assay. Normal value of amniotic fluid erythropoietin level was defined as = 27 IU/L. Normal umbilical cord serum erythropoietin was defined as <40 IU/L. Data on maternal pregnancy and delivery characteristics and short-term neonatal outcomes such as Apgar score were obtained from the hospital charts. Associations were calculated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and the Mann-Whitney U test were utilized to determine differences in the study groups. Results: Amniotic fluid erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age (r = 0.261, p = 0.012) and were higher among prolonged pregnancies as compared to term pregnancies (p = 0.005). There were 78 (83.9%) vaginal deliveries, and among these erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid correlated with the levels in umbilical cord serum (r = 0.513, p <0.000). Umbilical cord serum erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age among vaginal deliveries (r = 0.250, p = 0.027). Erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord serum did not correlate with umbilical artery pH or base excess, or other adverse pregnancy outcome. Conclusions: In vaginal deliveries erythropoietin levels in amniotic fluid correlated with the levels in umbilical cord serum. Erythropoietin levels correlated with gestational age, probably due to weakening placental function and relative hypoxemia occurring in advanced gestation. However, in this relatively low-risk study population erythropoietin was not related to adverse delivery outcome. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Umbilical artery pH and base excess at birth are poor predictors of neurodevelopmental morbidity in early childhood

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    Abstract Aim We sought to evaluate the associations between umbilical artery pH and base excess and neurodevelopmental outcome at four years of age. Methods This study comprised 84,588 singleton children born alive at term in 2005-2011 in the hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa in Finland. Data from the maternity hospital information system were linked to the data from the Medical Birth Register and the Hospital Discharge Register. Neurodevelopmental morbidity included cerebral palsy, epilepsy, intellectual or sensorineural impairment. Results After adjustment for maternal and perinatal factors, a combination of pHPeer reviewe

    Comparison of Umbilical Serum Copeptin Relative to Erythropoietin and S100B as Asphyxia Biomarkers at Birth

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    Background: Birth asphyxia, estimated to account for a million neonatal deaths annually, can cause a wide variety of neurodevelopmental impairments. There is a need to develop new, swift methods to identify those neonates who would benefit from neuroprotective treatments such as hypothermia. Objectives: To examine the utility of cord serum copeptin, a stable byproduct of arginine vasopressin release, as a biomarker of birth asphyxia based on a comparison with 2 biomarkers of hypoxia and brain trauma: erythropoietin and S100B. Methods: The study population consisted of 140 singleton, term neonates: 113 controls and 27 with birth asphyxia (2/3 criteria met: umbilical artery pHPeer reviewe

    Early oxygen levels contribute to brain injury in extremely preterm infants

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    Background Extremely low gestational age newborns (ELGANs) are at risk of neurodevelopmental impairments that may originate in early NICU care. We hypothesized that early oxygen saturations (SpO(2)), arterial pO(2) levels, and supplemental oxygen (FiO(2)) would associate with later neuroanatomic changes. Methods SpO(2), arterial blood gases, and FiO(2) from 73 ELGANs (GA 26.4 +/- 1.2; BW 867 +/- 179 g) during the first 3 postnatal days were correlated with later white matter injury (WM, MRI, n = 69), secondary cortical somatosensory processing in magnetoencephalography (MEG-SII, n = 39), Hempel neurological examination (n = 66), and developmental quotients of Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales (GMDS, n = 58). Results The ELGANs with later WM abnormalities exhibited lower SpO(2) and pO(2) levels, and higher FiO(2) need during the first 3 days than those with normal WM. They also had higher pCO(2) values. The infants with abnormal MEG-SII showed opposite findings, i.e., displayed higher SpO(2) and pO(2) levels and lower FiO(2) need, than those with better outcomes. Severe WM changes and abnormal MEG-SII were correlated with adverse neurodevelopment. Conclusions Low oxygen levels and high FiO(2) need during the NICU care associate with WM abnormalities, whereas higher oxygen levels correlate with abnormal MEG-SII. The results may indicate certain brain structures being more vulnerable to hypoxia and others to hyperoxia, thus emphasizing the role of strict saturation targets. Impact This study indicates that both abnormally low and high oxygen levels during early NICU care are harmful for later neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm neonates. Specific brain structures seem to be vulnerable to low and others to high oxygen levels. The findings may have clinical implications as oxygen is one of the most common therapies given in NICUs. The results emphasize the role of strict saturation targets during the early postnatal period in preterm infants.Peer reviewe

    Background studies for the national salmon strategy

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Tämä selvitys on kooste tutkimuksen keräämistä taustatiedoista, jotka toimitettiin Itämeren aluetta koskevan kansallisen lohistrategian valmistelua varten. Taustatietojen keräämiseen osallistui lukuisia tutkimuksen eri osa-alueiden asiantuntijoita. Lohta on tutkittu enemmän kuin meritaimenta, mutta lohen tutkimustietoja on tietyiltä osin mahdollista soveltaa myös meritaimeneen. Selvitys esittelee lohen ja meritaimenen elinkaaret, lajien elinympäristövaatimukset ja roolit Itämeren ja siihen laskevien jokien ekosysteemeissä. Selvityksessä kuvataan nykyiset lisääntymisjoet ja niiden luonnonkantojen tila. Lisäksi esitellään myös entiset lisääntymisjoet, joista osaan lohen ja meritaimenen lisääntyminen saattaa olla mahdollista palauttaa. Istutustilastojen, saaliin alkuperätietojen ja merkintätulosten pohjalta käsitellään istutusten vaikutuksia. Merkintätulosten ja kalastus- ja saalistietojen avulla kuvataan lohi- ja meritaimenkantojen vaellusalueita ja kalastuksen sekä saaliiden kehitystä. Selvitys kokoaa nykytiedot lohen ja meritaimenen merivaelluksen alkuvaiheen luontaisen kuolevuuden kasvusta, muutoksen mahdollisista syistä sekä muutoksen vaikutuksista kalastukseen ja sen säätelytarpeisiin. Lisäksi esitellään nykytiedot lohen kalastajamääristä, lohen taloudellisesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta merkityksestä sekä virkistysarvosta. Edelleen luodaan katsaus lohenkalastuksen säätelyjärjestelmiin ja lohikantojen hoitoon muualla maailmassa, sekä päätöksenteon pohjaksi tehtäviin kanta-arvioihin. Lisäksi tuodaan esille tarpeellisia toimenpiteitä lohi- ja meritaimenkantojen vahvistamiseksi. Selvityksen keskeisin sisältö on vedetty yhteen lajikohtaisesti aivan raportin lopussa.| SAMMANFATTNING Denna utredning är en sammanställning av bakgrundsfakta som forskningsexperterna samlat in för att användas vid beredningen av den nationella laxstrategin. I faktainsamlingen medverkade många experter inom forskningens olika delområden. Om lax har gjorts fler undersökningar än om havsöring, men forskningsrönen går också att tillämpa på havsöring till vissa delar. I utredningen finns en beskrivning av laxens och havsöringens livscyklar, livsmiljökrav och roller i ekosystemen i Östersjön och de älvar som utmynnar i Östersjön. Utredningen beskriver också de nuvarande lekälvarna och statusen hos de vilda bestånd som lever i dessa älvar. Därtill presenterar utredningen de tidigare lekälvarna av vilka vissa eventuellt kan återställas för lax och havsöring för lek. Effekterna av utplanteringarna ska behandlas utifrån utplanteringsstatistik, fångstens ursprungsuppgifter och märkningsresultat. Med hjälp av märkningsresultaten och informationen om fisket och fångsterna beskriver man lax- och havsöringsbeståndens vandringsområden samt utvecklingen av fisket och fångsterna. Utredningen innehåller aktuell information om ökningen av dödligheten hos havsöring under havsvandringens första tid, om eventuella orsaker till förändringen samt om konsekvenserna av förändringen för fisket och behoven av reglering. I utredningen ingår också information om antalet laxfiskare, laxens ekonomiska och samhälleliga betydelse och rekreationsvärde. I utredningen finns ytterligare en översikt över laxfiskets regleringssystem och förvaltningen av laxbestånden i övriga världen samt över beståndsuppskattningarna som utgör underlag för beslutsfattandet. Vidare presenteras det åtgärder som behövs för att stärka lax- och havsöringsbestånd. I slutet av rapporten finns sammanfattning av utredningens viktigaste innehåll artspecifikt.| SUMMARY This report is a summary of the background information collected from research and submitted for the preparation of the national salmon strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Many experts on the various sectors of research participated in compiling the background information. More research has been done on salmon than on sea trout, but the research results on salmon are in certain respects applicable to sea trout as well. The report presents the life cycles of salmon and sea trout, the habitat requirements of the species and their roles in the ecosystems of the Baltic Sea and the rivers discharging into it. The report describes the rivers where the species reproduce at present and the status of the wild populations in these. In addition, former spawning rivers are presented, some of which could be suitable for restoration of salmon and sea trout populations. The effects of stocking salmon and sea trout juveniles are discussed on the basis of stocking statistics, data on the origin of catches and fish tag recaptures. Tag recaptures and fishing and catch data are used to describe the migration areas of salmon and sea trout populations and trends in fishing and catches. The report provides current information on the increase in the natural mortality of salmon and sea trout in the early stage of sea migration. Possible reasons for the change in the natural mortality are discussed, as well as its impacts on fishing and regulation of fishing. Current knowledge is also given on the numbers of salmon fishers, economic and social significance of salmon and salmon fishing, and the recreational value of salmon. Information is also provided on the regulatory frameworks for salmon fishing and management of salmon populations in other parts of the world as well as population assessments made to serve as the basis for decision-making. In addition, certain measures necessary for strengthening the salmon and sea trout populations are put forward. The main content of the report as regards the individual species is summarised at the end of the report

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